Goat Surf Club in Photos

Yes, we’re primarily a video focused team but that doesn’t mean photography isn’t part of the deal. When we go on these trips we understand that there’s more to capturing the experience than by hitting the record button. Sometimes, it’s the words that we write that can bring the experience to life. Sometimes, as you’ll see below, it’s the photography…

We also capture these photos because, beyond creating these episodes, we need to market those episodes. Streaming platforms and brands (and ourselves) require still images to use for thumbnails, paid ads, and general marketing materials.

So, we encourage you to take a look through some of our favorite photos from each expedition… you’re in for a treat :)

Let’s Connect!

The Goat Surf Club is an online TV series that was created from the shared love of surfing and a deep commitment to environmental stewardship. Born out of a reunion after years apart, these surf enthusiasts have crafted a unique blend of adventure and activism.

Beyond the pursuit of the perfect wave, the Goat Surf Club embarks on global surf expeditions, exploring coastal wonders, engaging with local communities, and championing uplifting environmental stories to inspire a world where passion for the ocean meets conscious environmental action.

Join us as we ride the tides, forging a path towards sustainable surf adventures and a deeper appreciation for the world we call home.